Welcome to Season 4! Franny discusses how the podcast has evolved in the last 3 seasons and the changes to come. This season will focus more on the role of manifestation in having the love you want and loving your life. Franny also announces that she is the NEW Clubhouse icon! Connect with her on Clubhouse this month for special programming around self-care and self-love! You can follow her on Clubhouse by clicking HERE.
Keep in touch!
@dearfranny on Instagram
@dearfranny on Twitter
@dearfranny on Clubhouse
@dearfrannypodcast on Instagram
Francesca’s Website
Cover art photography by Francesca Hogi
Cover art graphic design by Francesca Hogi
Theme music by Origamibeats
Edited and produced by Bex Carlos
Episode graphics and show notes by Bex Carlos & Celeste Held