B-School is an online program created and led by Marie Forleo. Over the course of 8 weeks, Marie teaches big-hearted entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs how to build a business and a life you LOVE.
I know this firsthand because I am a proud B-School alum and enrolling in the program was THE BEST business decision I ever made.
You can learn all about B-School and Marie HERE.
Right about now you might be asking yourself why a dating coach is talking about B-School. The story goes like this: before I was helping people find love and change their lives, I was a lawyer. Not the worst job in the world, but also not what I wanted to do with my life. At all.
How I got from there to here – having the business and lifestyle I dreamed of – can be summed up in two words: B-School. (OK, one letter and one word!)
I am a proud B-School alum and for the first time this year, I am also a proud affiliate of B-School.
What this means for you is that when you enroll in B-School via my link, you also get – for NO additional cost – a spot in the program I created as the perfect complement to B-School, Expert By Design.
Since starting my matchmaking and coaching business, I’ve been a guest expert on The Today Show more than 12 times, became a contributor to The Huffington Post, have appeared on numerous radio shows and podcasts, been quoted in national publications on the topic of love and relationships and been invited to speak across the country and even overseas! I’ve even collaborated with Match.com and OKCupid.com.
In short, I was able to establish myself as a go-to expert on love and relationships. And now I’ve created Expert By Design to help you become a high profile expert in your field.
An online program created and led by me to teach you how to step into the spotlight in your chosen field. It includes:
5 Self-Study Audios + Worksheets + a 1-on-1 coaching strategy session to help you find, promote and amplify your unique point of view.
#1 Introduction – What Makes An Expert (And Why You’re Already Halfway There)
#2 Finding The Niche Only You Can Fill
#3 Strategies For Establishing Credibility In The Public Eye
#4 Interview Fundamentals – On Camera + Off
#5 Wooing The Media
#6 Brand And Strategic Partnerships
An Expert Strategy Session with me to get personalized coaching on your unique expert journey! (1 hour)
In B-School, Marie will teach you the exact steps you need to build and grow a successful and meaningful business. That’s what she did for me!
There are a lot of successful business owners who you’ll never see on TV. You’ll never see them quoted in magazines and newspapers. You won’t hear them in a podcast interview or on your local radio station. And for many people, they wouldn’t have it any other way!
But what about you? Do you want to have a huge impact – beyond your individual clients and customers – Expert By Design is for you. I know that no matter how clients I work with one-on-one, more people will hear by advice in one Today Show segment than in years of client work.
You might create a video, or do an interview that is life-changing for someone. If you care about what you do, and you want to identify, hone, and amplify your expertise, Expert By Design is for you! And you can get it for NO extra cost when you enroll in B-School! But don’t delay – registration closes soon.
I created Expert By Design to be the perfect complement to B-School. If you want the exact steps to becoming a nationally known expert, this program is for you. B-School registration ends March 1st, and so does this 2-for-1 offer! I can’t promise I will ever offer this program again, so don’t delay – sign up now!
FULL DISCLOSURE: As an affiliate of B-School, I may receive a commission on sales made via my link, at NO extra cost to you. As a bonus for signing up for B-School through me, I am offering my own program Expert By Design at no additional cost.