Happy Friday!
Yesterday I cried in public.
I was at the new Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C. (Side note – it is a BEAUTIFUL, important museum and you should go visit it as soon as you can.)
I was about 10 minutes into the section about the origins of the slave trade when I started to feel like crying. I spent the next 10 minutes trying not to cry. And then I finally asked myself why I was holding back my tears.
I had no good reason. It was just my ego not wanting me to look weak or uncomposed. (I don’t think that’s a word, but you get it.) The fact was no one else was crying and I didn’t want to be “that” person who was standing out.
Since I am always advocating for people to express their authentic emotions, I realized I had a chance to take my own advice. So I cried. A lot. And it was a relief to just let myself be in my feelings.
Next time you’re feeling self-conscious about whatever emotion you’re experiencing, I invite you to give yourself a break and just go with it.
It’s all a part of this human journey we’re on, together.
p.s. LAST CALL for 1-on-1 coaching! If you’ve been thinking about taking the plunge, reply to this email!