November 23, 2022

Want to hit one of these goals in 2023?

Hi love,

Happy Thanksgiving, or if you prefer–Gratitude Day!

With 2023 fast approaching, ’tis the season to think about goals. As a coach and advisor, I hear a lot of people’s goals, dreams, and resolutions, including these two very common ones. Are either of these on your mind or on your list?

Finding Love
Starting a Podcast

If the answer is yes, I have two Black Friday special offers designed for you to make these goals a reality. Through Monday, November 28th, you can book:
1) a Launch That Podcast strategy session with me for 50% off

Prepare yourself to launch and publish the first season of your podcast in 2023, from format to recording setup to marketing.

2) a Dating Fresh Start strategy session with me for 25% off.

Learn how to move past romantic disappointment and regret, feel more empowered and optimistic about dating, develop a more loving relationship with yourself, and learn your best dating strategy for 2023.

You can read more and book a discounted session here. As always, you’re invited to hit me up with any questions.

